His Secret Obsession

 His Secret Obsession

Personal development takes courage.

When you chose to embark on this journey with me, you made a choice that tells me something about you. You have courage.
And I’m willing to bet that at least some of that courage comes from your ability to love deeply.
In fact, you probably have someone in mind right now. Someone who brings out the courage to love with all your heart.
I hope that is the case. Because there are few things more beautiful.
Relationships are beautiful. So, for me, it is a great honor to be invited into your relationship world.
Let’s begin by talking about how to use the hero instinct.
You’ve heard it works. And something about it just makes sense based on your own life experiences. So you’re probably eager to use it on your man.
That makes perfect sense.
In fact, there’s nothing that would make me happier. But first, I want to ensure you understand one key to making the hero instinct work.

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If you want this principle to transform your relationships, it’s crucial that I first let you in on a secret. It’s the secret ingredient that brings the Hero Instinct to life.

Here’s the secret. The hero instinct is actually a bridge.
It’s not a technique. It’s not a trick you “use on a man.” It’s not something you use once and then watch to see if it will fix all current and future relationship problems.
Rather, it’s a special kind of bridge between a man and a woman. It allows men and women to find common ground and form a deep emotional connection. Let me show you how that happens.
Men and women both want relationships. But they desire different things from relationships.
And here’s where the hero instinct changes everything. It bridges the gap between his desires and your desires. It makes it possible for both partners to experience the most satisfying and exhilarating romance.
The hero instinct builds the intensity of your relationship. It does that by ramping up desire. And by giving you the ability to meet that desire as it arises in your relationship.
Don’t worry if you don’t understand how that works right now. I’ll be walking alongside you and explaining everything as we go through this course material step-by-step.
In fact, I should emphasize that the hero instinct is not a bridge you cross once. Rather, it’s a bridge you create over and over again.
I want this bridge to become a well-worn path in your relationship.

If we look at this bridge one year from today, I want to see evidence that you and your man have traipsed across it over and over, leaving a well-worn path.

Because if you do that, something amazing is going to happen. You’re going to discover the kind of passion so many people long for, but so few people ever achieve.
And the reason is simple. We are drawn toward people who meet our needs. And that’s as true for you as it is for him.
Have you ever noticed how some people trigger an extra powerful feeling of attraction inside of you? And sometimes it’s hard to say exactly why?
I mean, sure, you could point out one or two features you like about his face. Or you could describe the impression you had of his personality. But there’s often something more. Something that’s hard to describe.
That’s the effect we’re going for.
When he interacts with you, we want him to feel something powerful. Something that tugs at his instincts. An undeniable desire to have more of you in his life.
And that happens when you repeatedly trigger his hero instinct.
Triggering his hero instinct is not a one-time event. Rather, it’s a process. It’s a way of interacting that unfolds over time.
And that’s why I need to teach you how to create the hero instinct bridge over and over again in lots of different kinds of relationship situations.

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Some women, after hearing my story about Rachel, simply ask for the 12 words Rachel texted to her man. They think of these words as some kind of magic spell that they can copy and paste into their own relationship. But it doesn’t work that way.

Imagine this was a course about flirting. And I told you the 12 words that worked like magic for someone else at a very specific point in her relationship.
And imagine I told you to simply go out and use those same 12 words over and over again whenever you needed to boost the fun and intimacy between you and your man. I’m sure you can see why that would backfire.
Flirting is an art form. And it emerges in different ways depending on the flavor of the moment.
To be a master of flirting, you must first learn the underlying patterns that make it work. Then you can use that understanding to fluidly weave the magic of flirting into your daily interactions.
It’s like that with the hero instinct. There’s an underlying pattern. Learn to perceive it, and you’ll have a special kind of relationship skill. One you can keep on using for the rest of your life.
Women who can trigger a man’s hero instinct are able to do so for one reason and one reason alone. They are able to perceive the underlying relationship patterns that make it work.
They can create this bridge anytime they want. Because they understand the underlying relationship patterns. And that allows them to create the bridge (seemingly) out of thin air.
That’s what I’m going to teach you how to do.

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Yes, I’ll give you some examples of exact phrases you can adapt to your situation. But I don’t want you to make the mistake of skipping to those phrases without first learning the principles for success with my method.

This guide is really a relationship mastery guide. But it’s focused on one very special kind of relationship power. The power to draw a man toward you. Not by sheer effort. Not through good communication. And not by impressing him.
Nope. This power doesn’t come from within. It doesn’t come from your own willpower, beauty, or even your deep ability to love another human being.
Rather, it comes from the bridge. The bridge between his needs and your needs. I call it “bridging.” Because when you do it right, it’s a bridge to everything you want.
Bridging: How it Works and Why It Matters
Here’s how bridging works.
This is the fast and furious version. You’ll get all the details later. But I just want to give you the big picture first. That way, you can see where we’re headed, and why the details matter.
Men have this thing called the hero instinct. It’s an instinctual drive that causes him to thrive in certain kinds of relationships. He wants to be with someone who lets him express this instinct.
But it’s not just a relationship instinct. The hero instinct impacts many areas of a man’s life.
He’s drawn toward opportunities that satisfy his hero instinct. That’s true whether or not those opportunities appear within the context of a romantic relationship.

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In other words, he can get this need met outside the relationship. That’s a big problem. And it’s something you’ll learn more about later in this course.

Women thrive in relationships when there’s deep emotional intimacy. Bonding and connection are the rewards women seek from a relationship.
In relationships, women want to feel like they matter. Like most women, you want to be at the center of his unfolding life story. You want to build a shared story that becomes more beautiful over time as you build memories together.
But here’s the problem. Men don’t always give you a central position in their unfolding life story. Men often treat women as an accessory. A side benefit. A hobby.
They do this because their hero instinct needs are being met outside the relationship. In fact, their needs are often better met outside the relationship than within. That’s bad news for a relationship. Yet this is the sad reality I have encountered over and over as a professional relationship coach.
Many women actually block a man’s hero instinct. It’s accidental, of course, but the damaging effect is just the same. He feels less passionate. Less interested. And he doesn’t even know why.
Fortunately, bridging overcomes this problem.
Bridging works by channeling his male instincts toward his relationship with you. Rather than fighting against his instinct (like most women do), you will simply redirect the powerful flow of his hero instinct.
This is the essence of bridging. It’s a skill you can learn. A relationship concept you will master over time.

In this relationship mastery course, you’ll learn how a man thinks. You’ll learn about the stuff men never admit they want. And…you’ll begin to see the patterns of the hero instinct all around you.
Grab hold of that power now. Take it for yourself. Use it. Let me show you how.
Ready? Let’s go…

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